Welcome: Es para mí un honor, unirme a Patricia de Roda en darles la bienvenida a Madrid y a esta conferencia internacional que se lleva a cabo dentro del marco de nuestra Asamblea Anual. La Fundación Lealtad ha diseñado un programa para la Conferencia de este año realmente interesante, con asuntos de máxima actualidad, para refexionar sobre las donaciones, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas a nivel global. Hoy en particular abordaremos estos temas en Latinoamérica. Me críe en America Latina y a promover la transparencia de las ONG he dedicado buena parte de mi vida. Por lo que se unen hoy aquí dos de mis pasiones. Por ello mis felicitaciones a Patricia y a su equipo y al Patronato por esta conferencia.
This last year has been a year of farewells or good
byes, and transitions for me. As a
result, it has allowed me to think back on much of my life, and particularly my
years on the Board of ICFO, and the past six years as president.
Since this will be my last meeting with you, I plan
to address some thoughts that have been on my mind. Some of these will address the questions: Who
am I? Or maybe: Who are we? Part of my discussion here will be a report
on what we have accomplished and some of our strengths, and maybe some of our
Then, I would like to think with you were I am
going, or more specifically, where we are going, with some of our goals and the
challenges we face, and this will also look at some of our achievements, and
some of our disappointments.
CIVICUS in a somewhat recent publication stated that
the “growth of civil society in a scale and importance over the past two
decades has increased its vulnerability.”
As CIVICUS noted in this news release, and as those of us who are
observers of this sector know, civil society is challenged from three
directions: The first is internally, by
risking public trust. The second is
externally, by political threats to the right to exist, or by minute and
sometimes petty regulations and tax policies.
The third is the general threats to humankind that threaten all of us,
such as violence, poverty, and inequality.
The legal and quasi-legal means by which governments
restrict space in which civil society organizations operate, include: barriers
to entry, such as those that discourage, burden, or prevent the formation of
CSOs; barriers to operational activity, such as the use of law to prevent
organizations from carrying on their legitimate activities; and barriers to
speech and advocacy, that is, the use of laws to prevent organizations and
associations from engaging in the full range of free expression and public
policy engagement; and barriers to resources, which may include the use of law
to restrict the ability of the CSOs to secure financial resources necessary to
carry on their work.
Governments justify these kinds of
legal and regulatory measures that serve as barriers as necessary to promote
NGO accountability, protect state sovereignty, preserve national security, or
harmonize and coordinate the activities of CSOs.
First, we all
have some questions of personal identity.
For some of us, what we do defines who we are. In most social settings in the US, and
especially in Washington, the first question you hear is where do you work, or
what do you do?
For the last 32
years, I have walked into courtrooms around the US, and people stand and call
me “Your Honor.” In fact, in most
places, I am introduced as Judge Van Broekhoven. Now that I have retired, who am I? No matter where I am around the world, people
think of me as a judge. But, really who
am I?
For others, we may
get our identity by what we own. What
kind of home, or what kind of car we drive, or what kind of cloths we wear, or
how much money we have in the bank.
Evangelist Billy Graham was asked to speak at an event about 10 years
ago in Washington, and by that time, he was declining all speaking invitations
because of failing health. He finally
agreed to attend and say a few words.
With help to podium, he spoke slowly saying that he does not usually
speak publicly any more, but had reluctantly agreed this time. He told about how his cloths were starting to
show the wear, so he went out to buy a new suit. He told the audience that he would wear the
suit twice: once at this occasion, and the other for his funeral and
burial. But, he told the audience that
they did not want to think of him wearing the suit at this particular speaking
occasion when they saw him in the coffin.
others, we get our identity by what people think or say about us. Do you believe this? Can it be true that people are not thinking
about us at all, or not saying anything at all about us? That our worry about our identity based on
what people think or say about us is all in vain?
week ago there was an article in The Wall Street Journal about giving to
churches and nonprofit organizations.
The thrust of the article was that, unfortunately, churches and
nonprofit organizations, notwithstanding their organizing principles, are
fertile ground for scammers and con artists – from the secretary in the UK who
reportedly embezzled church funds to pay for a stamp collection, to a bankrupt
Southern Baptist affiliated foundation in Arizona that bilked elderly investors
out of millions of dollars. Just last
month, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed charges against a nonprofit
group alleging a giant Ponzi scheme. What
was interesting to me in this story was that all of the interviews for the
story were with financial planners and philanthropic advisors, and that none
were with representatives of two charity monitoring organizations in the US. The thrust of this article was the importance
of each donor being personally responsible for his or her own due diligence. As I read this article, I wondered if there
was a role for monitoring agencies, such as our ICFO member organizations.
But, I think
there is significant confusion about our identity in our sector, the civil
society sector. What is a civil society
organization? What is an NGO, especially
when it is funded and regulated by the government? What is a charity organization? At the last AGM, I gave an illustration of a
charity in the mountains of Virginia in the US that had for over 50 years
provided financial aid to the desolate and needy. Early on, its funding came from individual
and corporate donors. But, as the years
wore on, and the needs increased due to the economy, and the funding increased
due to governmental policies resulting in most of its funding coming from the
federal and state governments, its identity as a self-supporting charitable
organization seemed to dim. Corporate
and individual donation funding dried up.
Federal and State funding ceased because of tightening budgets. And the people who were being served went
unserved and in dire financial straits.
You see, there
is a great deal of confusion about the civil society sector, about NGOs and
charitable organizations.
Civil society is
generally understood to refer to the arena of uncoerced collective action
around shared interests, purposes and values.
Its institutional forms are distinct from those of the state, the
family, and the market, though in practice, the boundaries between state, civil
society, family, and markets are often complex, blurred, and negotiated.
Basically, what
we are talking about are voluntary associations which are mediators between the
individual and the government and are engaged in some type of public benefit
activity. By this, I mean that the gap
between individuals and their governments is too wide, and that we, as
individuals, need some form of intermediary to provide community, purpose,
shared interests and values, and belonging or relationship with others that
share those interests and values.
If they are
mediating organizations between government and individuals and are voluntary in
nature, how are we to promote transparency, accountability, and integrity?
How do we carry
this identity crisis, if it is one, to our member organizations and to ICFO
itself? Is our identity tied to what we
do, that is, promote transparency and integrity through the announcement of
standards and the promotion of their enforcement through monitoring, as well as
the promotion and the exchange of information?
And do our promulgated Standards and our monitoring actually promote
transparency and integrity and therefore contribute to our identity? And, from where do we get these
Standards? Do we get them from some kind
of consensus, or do they basically exist in nature and we merely discover and
articulate them? If the former, why
should anyone care to follow them? If
the latter, why would anyone not want to follow them?
But does that
mean anything anymore in an age of social media where most subscribers don’t
have real identities, they just have virtual identities. And, what does transparency mean? How do we promote transparency when a central
characteristic of the human condition is to hide so much behind a mask? You know, we read that men like darkness
because their deeds are evil. And, how
do we, or how does one promote integrity when what we really are talking about
is character and virtue?
Is our identity
dependent upon what we have? Clearly our
organizational budget and resources are small, and almost insignificant to the
task of influencing governments to promote the nonprofit sector without the
heavy hand of regulation and funding, and the sector to be transparent and
accountability as an independent player in a democratic society?
Or is our
identity, both as individual monitoring organizations and as ICFO, based on
what people say about us, or think about us?
Why were are two member organization ignored or forgotten in The Wall
Street Journal article about giving to charity or investing in charitable
organizations or foundations? How often
does the EU, or any international organization come to us for advice? How can we (ICFO), as an organization grow to
spread our vision and model in countries around the world if no one is thinking
about us or talking about us?
These are some of the things we think
about in ICFO.
Our name and
subtitle, International Committee on Fundraising Organizations (ICFO), and The
Association of National Monitoring Agencies, gives some idea as to our
identity, but not a clear idea.
You see, part of
the problem of identity is simply the use of the word, “Fundraising” in our
name. In the United States, that word
suggests that we are in the business of actually raising funds, and raising
them for something which is not clear.
But, I think the misperception exists in many places around the world.
There is no real
clear suggestion that we are involved in the charity, or nonprofit, or NGO, or
civil society sector. There is nothing
which indicates that we are interested in anything other than the raising of
funds. I receive dozens of emails a
month from all over the world asking me to help raise funds for some project or
some organization. Just this week I
received a request from a new charitable organization asking me for “expert”
advice on establishing an organizational policy for the raising of funds. Is our name too geographically focused in its
description and understanding, particularly if we are an international
So the question
naturally is: what are we? Well, we are
an association, but you don’t get that until you read the subtitle. What is an association of national monitoring
agencies? What is it that our members
are monitoring? How is what we are
related to the charity, nonprofit or civil society sector? Besides, since associations are made up of
member organizations or individuals, how is the association identified apart
from its members?
We have to look
elsewhere for our identity, and it is largely in our purpose statement in our
Constitution. There are things listed
there that we do, in order to give confidence to donors that the donations are
used for the purposes for which they were given. So what do we do? We promote transparency and
integrity, we gather information and provide for its exchange, we formulate
standards for nongovernment charitable organizations working internationally,
and we promote charity monitoring organizations. But these are our purpose statements, not
clear statements of who we are.
We don’t have
much in the way of resources, and don’t really have a staff to do these things,
and not many people outside our circle think about us, so our identity is not
even based on what we do, what we have, or what people think about us. Rather, it is based on the strength of our
individual national member organizations.
And frankly, in a global world made up of sovereign nations with their
own histories, traditions, legal structures, and policy goals, this is the way
it should be. But, I do think that
without a clear understanding of who we are, we will have some trouble growing,
being influential, and serving as change agents in a world in which the whole
idea of civil society has become blurred, especially in a world made up of
faltering economies.
But the lack of
a clear and understandable identity does not mean that our existence has been
for naught. So, there are some changes
we have experienced over that past 10 years, and certainly over the past six
years. There have been some successes
and some disappointments that are worth reporting, I think.
First, and
foremost, I think, we have really formalized our existence through the formal
registration of ICFO in Amsterdam with the filing of our Constitution, and
through the establishment of tax exempt status and opening up our own bank
account. This suggests a major change
from a somewhat informal gathering of like-minded national leaders sharing
information, to what I hope, is the beginning of not just an organization, but
of a movement committed to independent or self-regulation monitoring, with
standards, and compliance enforcement. I
think some of this is simply reflected in the boards you have elected.
Let me just say
a word here about our able treasurer, Eva Birath. As some of you may know, Eva was diagnosed
with metastasized breast cancer two months ago, and is not here because she is
undergoing chemotherapy and other treatments.
Eva is an able lawyer who has led our Swedish member, SFI, for about six
or seven years now. Her diagnosis and
treatment have been a major shock and cause for alarm for all of us who work
with her. I have assured her that we miss
her here at the AGM in Madrid and that she is in our prayers.
Secondly, ICFO
has in the last six years established its identity internationally through its
participation in conferences around the world, its published articles, the
enhancement of its website, and with its blog.
While ICFO has always
had representatives in conferences in Europe, in the last five years it has
extended its reach to speaking engagements in South Africa, Britain and
Scotland, Australia, Taiwan, China, and Cambodia. The distinction in these appearances has been
that while ICFO Board members have regularly participated in conferences and
seminars in Europe, they have done so in their capacities as leaders of their
respective national monitoring organizations rather than officially
representing ICFO. In fact, my guess is
that their representation has been more based on their roles in their
respective national organizations, and perhaps on their expertise in the
subject, rather than because they were members of ICFO or of its board.
My impression is
that the ICFO website is getting a lot more attention as well. It has been cleaned up to a certain extent,
and I believe carries much more substantive information to the sector itself,
as well as to the general public that is interested in standards of
accountability, however we define accountability. Further, there is a “members only” section of
our website that promotes the exchange of information between members and
renders, also, the ICFO Board accountable to its member organizations. So, we practice what we preach.
Our blog is now
being read in over 100 countries and in 38 different languages. From the statistics I see, many of the exit
links are to ICFO website, and to ICFO member organizations websites. Additionally, both Adri and I have Twitter
accounts in which we tweet news relative to the work of ICFO and relevant to
the sector generally. My guess is that
between the two of us, we have over 1000 followers on Twitter.
While in China
last month, I started a blog on Sina.com.cn, and from the statistics I have
seen, there have already been more than 150 hits on the site. The posts are translated into Chinese so it
is available in Chinese. So far, I have
been blogging about our AGM on my Chinese blog.
I also opened up a Weibo account since Twitter is not available in
China, and I have about 12 or so followers on Weibo. In both the blog and Weibo account, I have
discussed our AGM here in Madrid, and especially, CCIC’s application for
supporting member.
Less than two weeks
I started an ICFO research and public policy information website, and there
have already been over 1500 visits to the site since I started it. One of the items on the agenda for our formal
business session of the AGM is recommended approval of a research and public
policy center for a network of scholars in which contributions can be made to
the literature relevant to the foundational issues of independent charity
monitoring and some of the issues that seem to plague us year after year.
Over the last
six years, our ICFO membership has grown by five new ordinary members from nine
ordinary members to thirteen. In this
process, we have expanded from an essentially European-based organization with
two members from North America, CCCC in Canada and ECFA in the US, to an
organization that now includes Asia and Central America, as well as new members
from Italy, Spain, and the U.S. We have
also gained some supporting members, including China Charity Information Centre
(CCIC), and DonorInfo from Belgium.
Indeed, today we welcome CCIC to this AGM as our newest member.
We are
disappointed, of course, with the loss of long-time member, OFSE from Austria,
and the loss of several supporting members from the UK, one who had just joined
ICFO the year before as a supporting member.
If ICFO’s identity is tied to a movement advancing the cause of
nongovernmental independent standard setting and monitoring of the civil
society sector, the loss of any national organization that shares these goals
is a major disappointment.
source of encouragement and strength is evidenced in these AGMs. For the last five years we have been able to
dedicate a full day to the public section of our AGM, with greater public
participation, largely because of the relevance of the topics. I remember the AGM we had in Amsterdam in
2009 when we had half a day limited to experts in issues of cross border
fundraising. You might remember, this
was shortly after the European Court of Justice announced its decision in the Hein Persche v Finanzamt Ludenscheid. This gave us a chance to discuss
substantive issues raised by that decision with nonprofit experts, lawyers with
experience in tax law and nonprofit law.
What I don’t know is whether those discussions and ICFO influence led to
any changes in the laws in the EU member countries. Clearly, it seems to me, had we in ICFO been
on top of it, other than merely talk about it in an AGM meeting, we would have
tried to exert some influence on the legislative process which we would hope
would recognize independent monitoring of the sector, and especially in those
countries, such as Portugal, that had a direct affect from the decision.
disappointment is that for years we have worked with monitoring groups in
Cambodia and Philippines, and more recently with a mature monitoring
organization in Pakistan. In all these
countries there is an active charity sector and mature and effective
independent monitoring organization. We
have had an ongoing relationship with China’s Charity Information Center, CCIC,
for about four years now, and today we celebrate CCIC’s joining ICFO as a
supporting member. It really is a
pleasure welcoming He Bin here today, and trust he will give Amy Peng, the
Director of CCIC, our thanks and congratulations, as well as pass my personal
greetings to my friend, Mr, Liu Youping, the Vice Director of CCIC, who planned
on being here, but could not, and also to Mr. Xu Jianzhong, the Deputy Director
General of the Ministry of Civil Affairs for Social Welfare and Charity
One significant
achievement that I think we can be happy about is the pre-publication of the
ICFO Conference Booklet, A Comparative
Overview on ICFO Members and the Charity Sectors in Their Countries. This book is a follow-up to the 2002
comparative survey prepared by Mrs. Ingrid -Hélène Guet. It has been carefully planned and discussed
over the years, but we believe that it is an important addition to the
information base people look to when they are interested in how charities are
evaluated for transparency and accountability in various countries.
What is sad is that there
are not a lot more countries in this comparative overview, especially since
according to many statistics, there are something like 300 or more
self-regulation, or independent monitoring initiatives around the world. This should be our target audience if we are
interested in a movement toward non-government monitoring models or regimes. Nevertheless, this booklet is not just a
matter of promoting the exchange of information between ICFO members, it does
hold out the potential for informing the general public around the world about
what we, as members of ICFO, are doing to promote transparency and
accountability, as well as integrity within the sector. It is being updated with some additional
statistical information that our members suggested should be included during
their responses to the questionnaires we distributed. Also, since CCIC has just been accepted into
membership, we have asked China to complete the questionnaire with its data.
One thing you might
notice in this booklet is how our ICFO membership is spread between a number of
older, mature monitoring organizations that have been around for many years and
some newer and recently established organizations. What you need to understand from these
statistics, however, is that the regime of setting standards and monitoring
organizations against those standards for accreditation or certification
purposes is very new and recent in our history.
While many have done some form of social research and data collection,
what we do now is quite different, and our agendas are quite different.
Well, where are
we going? The story is told of Albert
Einstein, the famous Nobel Prize winning physicist, who while riding on a train
was asked by the conductor for his ticket.
As Einstein searched through his pockets without success, the conductor
told him not to worry, saying “Dr. Einstein, I know who you are, so you don’t
have to worry about the ticket.”
Nevertheless, Einstein persisted in looking for the ticket.” The conductor continue to assure him that he
knew who he was and when things seemed to calm down, continued through the
railroad car punching the tickets of other passengers. As he stepped through the door to the next
car, he looked back and saw Albert Einstein on his hands and knees on the floor
of the car looking for the ticket. The
conductor went back to Dr. Einstein and once again told him not to worry, that
he knew who he was. The professor looked
up from the floor, and told the conductor, “I know who I am, I just don’t know where I am going so I need
to find that ticket.”
According to our
Activity Plan for 2012-2013, which will be presented at the formal business
session, there are several goals or policies that are to be advanced and
implemented in the coming year to advance the purposes of ICFO I discussed
The first is to
publish the Comparative Study. This has
been a goal for several years, and we are close to completing the first phase
of this project. I say first phase
because it will require regular updating as the years go on. You are receiving a copy of this
prepublication version at this AGM
The second is to
update the data base on accredited organizations and publish it on the ICFO
website in the members’ only section.
There is also the goal of developing and enhancing the ICFO website and
member organization websites. Several
goals which we set several years ago was to have the members include their
Standards in English as well as their own respective national languages and to
clearly provide a link to ICFO’s website.
For the most part, this has not been accomplished.
Other goals
address capacity building for existing members, and building on some of our
specific contacts.
These are all
small, and somewhat incremental and procedural goals that simply advance the
cooperation of the association and perhaps help the membership. Similarly, the goals of obtaining funds from
various sources, such as the EU, simply would provide some of the resources needed
for these activities.
What is lacking
in this activity plan is a visionary statement for the future; a future that
could be described as a movement! The
idea of a Centre for Research and Public Policy offers a major step forward in
this regard, assuming ICFO is open to be the foundation for such a movement.
Well, what are
some of the challenges and barriers to such a movement? These will be identified without being in any
particular order.
The first is
simply a problem of language, and what I see as the lack of any clear desire
for accountability, either on the part of the sector or donors. Oh, it is true that we talk a lot about it,
but our actions really do not confirm what we say. I think part of the reason is because we
really don’t know what we are talking about and what it means to the sector. First, I think that there is simply some
confusion about the sector and who does what.
If we are
talking about the charitable sector, about charity, about humanitarian
activities, and about welfare contributions to society, then we have some
problems just defining what the charitable sector is. This is especially true if we are looking at
ICFOs core mission and goals.
The subject, and
where we in ICFO is going gets a little complicated when we talk about
corporate social responsibility or CSR, and whether our member organizations
have any business monitoring the issue of the overall impact of a business on
society, and whether or not, that is even a matter of government regulation and
The word,
“accountability” has become a term of modern political correctness in our
society to describe a process that has little to do with the choices that are
being made by governments, organizations, including NPOs, or individuals.
Originally, the
word “accountability” was related to finance, and nothing more. The idea was that it became the language used
by experts to describe and evaluate and the process of whether money was
treated in accordance with specific rules. If all we mean by the word, “accountability,” is
that an organization reported money in accordance with certain prescribed
rules, and nothing else, then what good is accountability if there is nothing
of significance for what an organization must account? Besides, to whom is accountability owed, and
if all that is required is for an auditor to certify that accounts were true
and fair as a result of the application of some arbitrary rules used to
evaluate the activities of an organization, then an organization is free to
account only for those financial matters certified by the auditor without some
external reference to any moral principles or standards not specifically
related to finances.
A second
challenge is the challenge posed by technology.
To a large extent, technology has made us less interested in
accountability. Several years ago there
was the story in the papers about the US Administration claiming to be the most
transparent and accountable administration in American history. What it did, it started meeting in coffee
shops outside the White House so the discussions did not fall under the laws
that required record keeping, and so were not subject to disclosure. Similarly, government organizations,
corporations, and nonprofit organizations frequently engaged in what we call
data dumps. In other words, massive
amounts of records were uploaded on to the Internet without any way to find
particular pieces of relevant information.
Some of you may
remember the movie, “Class Action” many years ago in which one of the parties
to a lawsuit filed a motion for discovery against the other party, a major
automobile manufacturer. The
manufacturer produced and delivered a tractor trailer truck with hundreds of
boxes of documents in which there was one piece of paper that provide the
information requested in the motion.
There was no way the plaintiff in that case could have discovered the
requested information.
During the Japan
earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster, one the American Red Cross raised
approximately $4 million in three or four days, of which over $1.5 million was
raised through television and Internet appeals and text messaging. Impulse donors gave gifts of $5 or $10
through texts, without any expectation of accounting for the donations and charitable
or humanitarian services provided.
The prevailing
view is that anything that is technologically possible is legally and morally
permissible. As a result, moral codes or
ethical standards cannot keep up with the scientific and technological progress,
and law simply has no way of addressing these advances in a timely manner.
I might agree
that social media and new media might be valuable for branding purposes for a
charitable organization, and may be even valuable for raising a lot of money in
a short time. If the goal is to build a
donor base and relationship with donors, my guess is that new media and text
message giving is virtually useless.
A third
challenge to our goals of expanding the role of independent, nongovernment
monitoring, and self-regulation within the sector is what I see as an
increasing role of government, and indeed of the social welfare society versus
the nature of civil society and charity.
This is
especially true when governments fund, or provide significant funding to civil
society organizations. Government’s have
a right, I believe, to set the terms for the granting of such funding or
obtaining certain social services by contract, and requiring adequate oversight
through audits.
But, what about
the sector generally where there is no direct funding by the government? My observation, both in the United States,
and as I travel around the world is that because of the economy, governments
are looking for ways to increase revenues, and that often involves eliminating
tax deductions and tax benefits, including the taxation of charities and
reducing the tax deductibility of donations to charity. Similarly, every scandal, and every story in the
media tend to prompt governments to look at regulating the charity sector more
than previously.
200 years ago, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote concerning his native France as a
growing and centralized state:
see an enumerable multitude of men, alike and equal, who turn about without
repose, in order to procure for themselves, petty and vulgar pleasures with
which they fill their souls. Each of
them when drawn apart is a virtual stranger, unaware of the fate of
others. His children and his particular
friends form the entirety of the human race.
for his fellow citizens, he is beside them, but sees them not. He exists only in himself and for himself
alone. And if he has a family, one could
say at least that he no longer has a fatherland.
these is elevated an immense tutelary power which take sole charge of assuring
their enjoyment and of watching over their fate. It is absolute, attentive to detail, regular,
provident, and gentle. It would resemble
the paternal power if like that power it had as its object, to prepare men for
manhood. But it seeks to the contrary,
to keep them irrevocably fixed in childhood.
It loves the fact that the citizens enjoy themselves, provided that they
dream solely of their own enjoyment and happiness, but it wishes to be their only
agent and sole arbiter of that happiness.
It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs,
guides them in the principal affairs, directs their industry, divides their
inheritances. Can it not relieve them
entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living?
this fashion, every day it renders the employment of free will less useful and
more rare. It confines the action of the
will within a smaller space and bit by bit, it steals from each citizen the use
of that which is his own. Equality has
prepared men for all of these things.
having taken each individual in this fashion by turns, into its powerful hands,
and having kneaded him in accord with his desires, the sovereign extends its
arms about society as a whole. It covers
its surface with a network of petty regulations – complicated, minute, and
uniform – through which even the most original minds and the most vigorous
souls know not how to make their way past the crowd and emerge into the light
of day. It does not break wills; it
softens them, bends them, and directs them.
Rarely does it force one to act, but it constantly opposes itself to one’s acting on one’s own. It does not destroy, it prevents things from
being born, it extinguishes, it stupefies and finally, it will reduce each
nation to nothing more than a herd of timid, industrious animals of which the
government is the shepherd.”
Everything in
this quote from Tocqueville reminds us that the lines between government, the
market, and civil society are blurred, both with respect to their functions in
a society and with respect to how issues of transparency, accountability, and
integrity are to be promoted without destroying or impeding the function of the
It seems to me
that one of the measurements of our successes or weaknesses in ICFO as an
organization is how successful we have been in influencing society, and through
that influence, governments, to allow independent or self-regulation monitoring
and certification or accreditation schemes.
Similarly, are successes or weaknesses can be measured by our assistance
to groups within the sector that are operating nationally to encourage the
establishment of independent monitoring organizations, such as those
represented here.
Well, it is time
for me to conclude and say my good bye.
I simply have tried to share some of my personal passion, and I hope the
passion of ICFO as the fountain of a movement, and some of the challenges we
But none of this
is about me or my agenda. I put my wrist
in a bucket of water, and pull it out and discover that I did not leave a
hole. So, it is with ICFO. And, so, in closing I would like to read a
poem that has long been a favorite of my grandparents, parents, and of mine and that expresses my personal goals
in life.
the mind of Christ my Savior
Live in me from day to day,
By His love and pow'r controlling
All I do and say.
Live in me from day to day,
By His love and pow'r controlling
All I do and say.
the Word of Christ dwell richly
In my heart from hour to hour,
So that all may see I triumph
Only through His pow'r.
In my heart from hour to hour,
So that all may see I triumph
Only through His pow'r.
the peace of Christ my Savior
Rule my life in every thing,
That I may be calm to comfort
Sick and sorrowing.
Rule my life in every thing,
That I may be calm to comfort
Sick and sorrowing.
the love of Jesus fill me,
As the waters fill the sea;
Him exalting, self abasing,
This is victory.
As the waters fill the sea;
Him exalting, self abasing,
This is victory.
I run the race before me,
Strong and brave to face the foe,
Looking only unto Jesus
As I onward go.
Strong and brave to face the foe,
Looking only unto Jesus
As I onward go.
His beauty rest upon me
As I seek the lost to win,
And may they forget the channel,
Seeing only Him.
As I seek the lost to win,
And may they forget the channel,
Seeing only Him.
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